My Reflections and action plan.
Here is my issue: It
took me ages to actually decide what the topic of my project would have been. In fact, considering that I'm going to study political economy, but coming from a
philosophical back ground, I decided to push myself choosing an economy related topic. Shame that I didn't have a clue about it!
When I started doing my research I realized that I pushed myself too far. My topic was too difficult and I didn't have the time and the competence to fulfill it. So, I found myself having to change my topic at the end of the second week. It wasn't fun. I had to do further research and I had to rebuild my outline.
In order to improve my brainstorming and research capacities, I reckon I could be more humble when choosing the subject for an essay, deciding according to what would give me less trouble and better grades. I guess that I could also get on my tutor's nerves and ask for advice (however Ed told me that courses in the master will give a reading list to chose from).
Practically tho, I think that tonight I will go on the library's website and I will apply for one of their free courses. This should help me becoming faster when doing my
research by
teaching me how to manage the catalogue system better. Then, when the master is going to start, I will make sure I will find out the reading list as soon as possible and I will lay out my project from the very beginning, leaving space for improvements, but hopefully not major changes.
Right, that's it guys.
forward to read yours!!
Ciao ciao!!